2019/20 Annual Member Survey Results

The board and staff of Baseball NT would like to thank all who participated in the 2019/20 Annual Member Survey.

We received responses from just under 10% of our membership – which was made up of mostly players (70%), parents/guardians (30%), and committee members (30%). Please note more than half of the respondents currently hold more than 1 role within Territory Baseball.

Respondents represented an accurate sample group of Baseball NT’s members. Most responders were male (83%), had varying years of participation, and were split almost equally between Alice Springs and Darwin. 35% of respondents and their families do not participate in any other sport.

Compared to 2018/19, members continued to identify Junior Recruitment & Retention, Communication with Members, Facility Upgrades and Financial Stability amongst their highest priorities, with Junior Recruitment & Retention as the number one.

Followed closely by Coach/Umpire/Scorer Development, Support for Alice Springs Baseball Association, an Inter-Territory Competition, and Junior High-Performance Pathways / Travel Opportunities.

See the complete ranked list of priority areas HERE.

While Communication with Members continues to be a high priority of the respondents, it was the area of most satisfaction in 2019/20. This is a stark contrast to 2018/19 where members were the most dissatisfied.

Respondents also expressed satisfaction in areas such as Financial Stability, Aussie Tball / Coach Pitch / Rookie Ball, Support for Alice Springs Baseball Association and Facility Upgrades.

Respondents were least satisfied with areas of priority such as Inter-Territory Competition, Marketing & Brand Awareness and Coach/Umpire/Scorer Development.

See the complete ranked list of member satisfaction areas HERE.

Other comments from respondents included notes of COVID-19 affecting programming, focussing on junior development, ensuring competitions between little league and senior baseball for youth athletes, and suggestions for restructuring officials.

The results and feedback from the 2019/20 Annual Member Survey will be presented to the Board of Baseball NT at the August board meeting for their consideration. The results will drive key examination of the Board’s annual review of the current strategic plan.

Find the 2020-2022 Strategic Plan HERE.