Member Protection Information Officers


What’s an MPIO?

A Member Protection Information Officer (MPIO) is like the friendly guide you never knew you needed in the world of Australian sports, especially at the grassroots level. Think of them as your first point of contact when you’ve got something on your mind—whether it’s a concern, a question, or a potential complaint. They’re great listeners and experts at pointing you in the right direction to get things sorted.

But here’s the thing: MPIOs aren’t there to solve the problem for you. They don’t take sides, investigate, or mediate between parties. Instead, they provide you with the info you need about your rights, responsibilities, and options. They’re like the sports world’s version of a GPS—helping you navigate where to go next without getting directly involved in the action. So, if you’ve got something to discuss, your MPIO is the go-to person to get you on the right path!

Would you like to become an MPIO?

Step 1 – Register with Baseball NT

Being registered with Baseball NT ensures you are insured against injury.

Baseball NT MPIO Registration (free)


Step 2 – Complete a Working with Children Check (Ochre Card)

All coaches are required to carry a valid Ochre Card (Working with Children Check) from Safe NT.

Usually, there is a $72 fee associated with the check, however if you email we will be able to provide you with a volunteer form which will bring the fee down to $7.

Apply here

Upload your Ochre Card as part of your registration in “Step 1”


Step 3 – Complete the MPIO free training

Play by the Rules MPIO training is free and provides usable resources to help any member.

